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What is our collection all about? Cavansite and Stilbite, Poona, India

What is our collection all about?

Quartz crystals showing "Japan-Law" twinning from The Gulf, NSW.
Quartz crystals with mineral inclusions showing "Japan-Law" twinning from The Gulf, NSW.

Minerals Heritage Museum

Display location:
Queensland Museum
Southbank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
(Mezzanine Floor)

Display Hours:
Open daily from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day & Boxing Day. Open ANZAC Day from 1.30 pm.

General admission: Free.

About the museum
History of the MHM
Aims of the MHM
The MHM Trustees

About the museum
History of the MHM
Aims of the MHM
The MHM Trustees

From the very outset the trustees of the Minerals Heritage Museum wanted our minerals and mineral display to be a celebration of the beauty of minerals. We wanted to showcase their natural colours, multi-facetted crystal faces and amazing structures.

To achieve this we had to make a conscious decision to not just make this a collection of common, everyday "rocks". It was never going to be a display of ore samples or even a geological reference collection. It was to be a "collectors" collection if you like. A collection to inspire and amaze and to generate that sense of wonder in those who see it, and especially the young. To give them a sense of what treasures still lurk beneath the surface of the earth. To make them want to go out, explore, collect and to appreciate these natural wonders.

Smoky quartz crystals lining a vugh in granite rocks near Torrington, NSW.
Smoky quartz crystals lining a vugh in granite rocks near Torrington, NSW. 

Many people don't realise that crystal specimens like those of our display are not "cut", but occur naturally. These perfectly shaped and lustrous faces are purely works of nature, and in many cases all they require is a thorough scrub and wash to remove dirt and grime.

Just educating the public to this fact alone is a major task. If we can inspire young geologists, collectors and mining companies to fully appreciate and value these rare and finite resources of our natural heritage then we have succeeded in our aims.

~ Preserving Australia's Mineral Heritage ~
Copyright MHM 2015 - The Minerals Heritage Museum is a not-for-profit institution based in Brisbane.