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The Minerals Heritage Museum display

The Mary Street display  is divided into themes.
Part of the MHM display.

Minerals Heritage Museum

Display location:
Queensland Museum
Southbank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
(Mezzanine Floor)

Display Hours:
Open daily from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Closed Good Friday, Christmas Day & Boxing Day. Open ANZAC Day from 1.30 pm.

General admission: Free.

Visit the museum
Map and location details

Visit the museum
Map and location details

Our display is not large by many other museum standards. So don't go expecting to find a huge building staffed by knowledgeable mineral experts! It is however, a wonderful collection of many fine quality Australian and overseas sourced mineral specimens. There are also a number of cut and uncut gem minerals on display. We have five large display cabinets that are roughly themed into groups.

It has always been an aim of the trustees of the museum to make this collection a showcase of the colours and crystal forms of the mineral world rather than just a reference collection. This is a celebration of the natural beauty of the mineral world. 

Positioning minerals as part of our new display  within the Queensland Museum

Positioning minerals as part of our new display within the Queensland Museum 
at Southbank, South Brisbane

The Queensland Secondary Schools curriculum now includes elements of geology and earth sciences. We welcome teachers and students to view our display. Many children (and adults!) will be shocked and surprised at these natural wonders. We hope you enjoy our display and come again as we add to it.

~ Preserving Australia's Mineral Heritage ~
Copyright MHM 2015 - The Minerals Heritage Museum is a not-for-profit institution based in Brisbane.